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AmeXio wins Documentum SDK Challenge with myInsight

We are extremely proud to announce that AmeXio won this year’s Documentum SDK Challenge. The first Documentum Dragons’ Den: Partner SDK Challenge was organized by the OpenText Documentum team. The goal was to showcase and promote the Documentum Smart View SDK capabilities. Partners were invited to participate and to present and demo a solution using Smart […]

A convenient truth about customer experience

Customers do think that they go online to ensure the best deal. But … That’s only part of the truth.

Junior Analyste Développeur & ECM Consultant

#Luxembourg #Ibm #Java

Poste et missions : Amexio est à la recherche de plusieurs Analystes développeurs (Junior), afin de renforcer sur le long terme ses équipes de développement IBM/Java. Notre mission sera de vous former au monde de l’Entreprise Content Management tant sur le plan fonctionnel et technique, au travers de diverses formations E-learning et du coaching de […]